Savannah Harbor
[Posted Dec 2] Last year South Carolina's Supreme
Court threw out Jasper County's challenge to condemn 1,776
acres of Georgia- owned land in South Carolina, deciding that
it would violate the spirit of South Carolina's law to let
South Carolina take a private landowner's land and give it
to SSA, another private entity. The land currently is used
by Georgia's Department of Transportation to dispose of
dredge spoils from the maintenance of the Savannah River
navigation channel...
Mulberry Grove Plantation
[Posted Dec 2] There are times in environmental
advocacy when a change in direction is necessary. Such is
the case with Coastal Group's efforts to promote a full-scale
landswap to protect the environmentally sensitive and culturally
significant lands of Mulberry Grove Plantation and neighboring
historic plantation properties. Due to competing demands and
limited funds, a dollar-for-dollar landswap between US Fish
and Wildlife Service and Mulberry Grove's owner Georgia Ports
Authority no longer seems possible...
Savannah River Deepening
[Posted Dec 2] In August of this year, EPA published
its Draft Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Dissolved Oxygen
(DO) in Savannah Harbor which spans from Fort Pulaski (River
Mile 0) to the Seaboard Coastline Railway Bridge (River Mile
27.4). The watershed is defined as extending from Thurmond Dam
near Augusta to the Savannah Harbor...