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case studies:  community:
MCA Augusta

Challenge: Create an online community website for the Augusta Chapter. The site must feature Group activities and resources, help the exchange of ideas, and  highlight up-to-date technology.
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Solution: studio2G created an attractive, user-friendly site that functions as a news, events, and services center. We added links to the national organization's mailing lists so that local members can communicate with MCA members throughout the country. The website also showcases the latest video technology.
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Result: The website has improved  communication between the community, group members, and the national organization.  It provides online resources, access to online member signup (cost and time saving), and links to email forums for sharing ideas among members worldwide. The site has also raised awareness of the Chapter: It made its mark as the first chapter site to feature streaming video.
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Website features:

  • features industry news, events, and services
  • hosts community job postings
  • links to email forums, facilitating the exchange of ideas
  • highlights up-to-date technology
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What the client said: "It's such a beautiful design! Thanks for all your hard work and dedication." -- Jane Hightower, Owner

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 If you have a project you would like to discuss, please contact us. We'll work with you to develop your ideas.

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