: intranet / extranet:
Georgia Chapter - Extranet
Challenge: Create an Extranet for the Georgia Sierra Club website. The extranet would facilitate maintenance of the conservation, legislative, political, mailing list, and recreational sections of the website.
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Solution: studio2G created a private, password-protected extranet. Authorized Chapter members log into the extranet, then update and save the information to a database. By simply pressing a button, they can also automatically post the information to designated mailing lists. Each member sees only the section he or she has been authorized to maintain.
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Result: Authorized Chapter members now disseminate time-sensitive information much more easily and quickly. The Extranet has reduced the need for specially trained staff to maintain the website and mailing lists.
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Website features:
- The latest news and articles, with links to additional online information
- Interactive mailing list and membership forms
- Email links to political leaders and the media, so site visitors can express their views on issues
- Chapter and Group calendars
- A simple webpage template created for Groups without webmasters. The template does not require HTML skills to update.
- Winner of the National Sierra Club's Electronic Communcations award
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Extranet features:
- Password-protected sections for confidentiality
- Information stored in a flexible database, allowing easy access and manipulation, and automatic webpage generation
- Mailing list section for automatic posting to designated mailing lists
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What the client said: "You've done groundbreaking work in establishing this website. You've inspired us to move ahead on making something similar available to other Sierra Club Chapters."
-- Jenny Coyle, Sierra Club National
- More testimonials -
If you have a project you would like to discuss, please contact us. We'll work with you to develop your ideas.
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